
Dominating your  


Learn, Master, and execute your ​​marketing ​funnels.

“I want to develop a plan for tracking inventory, executing ​marketing strategies, growing my LinkedIn and social ​media, and generating enough revenue to the point where ​money is never an issue.”

Tess House

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Here is what you take from this pre-recorded course from our #startlaunchgrow program:

Welcome lesson: Overview of Marketing ​Funnels

Learn why it is important to master these marketing funnels.

Lesson 1: Understanding the Inside Out Marketing ​Framework

In this lesson, I explain a simple concept I call the inside-​outside framework. Being knowledgeable about this ​framework allows you to execute your marketing funnels ​with purpose. Watch this lesson and then you will take ​action complete your own inside-outside framework.

Lesson 2: Understanding the Inside Out Marketing ​Framework

In this lesson, I explain a simple concept I call the inside-​outside framework. Being knowledgeable about this ​framework allows you to execute your marketing funnels ​with purpose. Watch this lesson and then you will take ​action complete your own inside-outside framework.

Lesson 3: 1 to 1 Marketing (cold calling, door-​to-door & targeted ads for booking appts)

In this lesson, you will learn the One-to-One marketing ​funnel. This type of marketing funnel includes door-to-door ​and cold calling. Then, you take action to plan each of your ​1 -to 1 marketing funnels.

* How to perform one-to-one marketing
* Types of one-to-one marketing
* How to get your one-to-one sales funnel done

Lesson 4: Event Marketing

In this lesson you will learn, about Event marketing then ​follow on checklist to plan your next event.

* Types of event marketing
* What it takes to have a successful event.

Lesson 5: Facebook ADS

In this lesson, you learn all about Facebook marketing and ​then using your strategies you will execute your facebook ​ad campaign for your organization or business.

* Why Facebook Ads
* Facebook Ads vocabulary
* What makes a winning ad
* Tools to assist with facebooks ads
* How to set up your Facebook ads
* Testing your Facebook ads
* Common Issues and best practices
* Creating funnels.

Lesson 6: Email Marketing

Email marketing works and it is a must. In this lesson, you ​will learn, all the ins and outs of email marketing then follow ​our strategy to create your own email campaign.

* All about e-mail marketing
* Email Service Providers
* Terms you should know

Lesson 7: SEO Marketing

In this lesson, you will learn the skill set of search engine ​optimization so your website can pop up when someone is ​searching for something of interest, it must be optimized. ​Having a pretty website that is not searchable does nothing ​for your business. In this class, you will learn all about SEO ​(search engine optimization) so that you can optimize your ​website using our worksheet checklist.

* What is SEO
* Tools to use for your SEO
* How to set up a winning SEO strategy

Lesson 8: Direct Mail Marketing

In this lesson, you will learn how to execute your mail ​campaign. Tune in, take notes, and ask any questions you ​have in the group, then take action to plan your mailing ​campaign.

* All about direct marketing
* Mailing lists
* How to create an awesome direct mail campaign

Lesson 9: Social Media Marketing

In this lesson, you will learn to plan your content and then ​execute your social media campaigns with our strategies ​and worksheet.

* Keys to building your social media
* Planning your content
* Tools to managing your social media marketing

Lesson 10: Blog Marketing

In this lesson, you will learn:This lesson will teach you how ​to blog. This lesson will focus on the contents of a winning ​blog and how to optimize it then you will take action to plan ​blog below and schedule your blogs with our planner.

* Tools to help you blog
* The elements of a great blog
* Understanding blogging to make money and the basics

Lesson 11: Text Marketing

Text Marketing is also another marketing funnel to promote ​your business spark. Many of you have already received my ​reminders for class so you are familiar with text marketing. ​You can use text marketing to remind your audience of ​discounts, or new products, services, or promotions you ​have. The caveat is that you will need to get consent before ​sending communications. In this lesson, you will learn Then ​take action to plan your text marketing funnels below.

* Tools to execute teing</spanxt market>
* Why choose text marketing

Lesson 12: Webinar Marketing

You will learn the art of Webinar Marketing which is also ​another marketing funnel to promote your business offers. ​Using our method, I walk you through the concept of ​webinar marketing and what it takes to have a converting ​and selling webinar.

* The Ultimate webinar formula
* Why choose webinar marketing>
* Tools to use to execute your webinar

Lesson 13: Google Ads

This lesson is all about google ads, terminology your should ​know, and then you will execute your own google ads ​campaigns.

* What is Google Advertising
* What you need to have to set up a google advertising effective ​campaign
* Tools to help you create with your google Advertising

Lesson 14: Youtube Ads

In this lesson, you will learn all about Youtube Ads then you ​will take action to plan your winning YouTube ad capaigns

* How to set up your Youtube
* What is youtube marketing
* Why choose youtube marketing

Lesson 14: Podcasting 101

In this lesson, you will learn all about podcasting and how to ​set up your own podcast up so begin attracting your ideal ​customers.

* How to set up your podcast
* What is podcast marketing
* Why do podcasting
* Planning your podcast

Lesson 15: Traditional Marketing (Radio, ​Billboard & TV)

In this lesson, you will learn how to plan your TV, Radio, & ​Billboard Campaigns, including working with ad agencies, ​developing your creatives, and vocabulary you should know ​in the traditional marketing world. You will also learn how to ​spend money properly when going into the world of radio, ​tv, and billboard advertising. Then you will take action to ​plan your campaign before you contract the tv station, radio, ​or billboard company to advertise your brand.

* TV advertising
* Radio Advertising
* Billboard Advertising

Lesson 16: Press

In this lesson, you will learn how to create your press ​campaign to get you or business media coverage, blog ​write-ups, interviews, and conferences. Next you will ​execute and distribute your press campaign with our press ​planner.

* The basics of Press
* The advantages and disadvantages
* The tools to help you execute your press campaign.

Lesson 18: Decision Time (choose your ​funnels)

In this lesson, you will choose at least three marketing ​funnels you will execute with our download this printable or ​editable planner here and circle each one you have chosen.

Still not sure, watch this video now:

Why you need these tools and resources

This program is a must for anyone wanting to learn the blueprint to ​marketing. This program covers over fifteen marketing funnels including ​both online and traditional marketing. This program is a must for any ​business, professional or employee wanting to take their marketing to the ​next level.

This training is for you if:

  • You want to build and establish your own marketing for your company.
  • You want to learn and add on some additional marketing funnels to your current marketing plans.
  • You need a refresher to ensure your marketing division within your business is in compliance.
  • You are an employee wanting to learn a new skill to expand your skillset
  • You are in a leadership role and want to establish best practices, or take your organization’s marketing to the ​next level.
Roxell Richards

Meet Your Biz Mentor


Roxell Richards is a trial attorney, entrepreneur, business development mentor, community activist, and rainmaker. She has built her law firm from the ground up to a multi-million dollar machine and served as countless business consultants and general counsel to celebrities, brands, companies, and people looking to build a purposeful and sustainable business.

Her ability to see opportunity in almost any setting is unmatched. She created partnerships with some of the biggest companies and brands in the business. Her real yet loving style in teaching and mentoring other business builders resonates with so many people that they are motivated to take action because she doesn’t hold back

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program refundable?

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Am I a good fit, if I don't have a business already?

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What if I am an employee at a company, can I use this program?

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