Excel Marketing and Advertising Presents

Google Ads Services

Get your campaigns done

We only accept 5 projects per month. Choose your package now!

What are Google Ads Packages?

Our Ads services include display, ppc and video. Tell us about your products and
services, your landing page url or your target audiences and competitors to
discover how our results-driven Google Ads management service produces highly
profitable online advertising campaigns.

Our comprehensive packages include a) the research needed to plan and create
an array of campaigns that map your target products or services, b) the
copywriting and design skills required to create a large selection of responsive
image ads and c) the insider Google Display Network (GDN) knowledge that
ensures your ads are visible in the best slots on relevant sites all around the web.
Best of all is that with Pay Per Click advertising you only pay Google when
someone clicks on one of your ads – so all the visibility you get is totally free
advertising for your brand.

Still not sure, watch this video now:

Planning – Product research and
mapping, information gathering
and Google Ads strategy

  • Deciding which paid image advertising strategies are best suited to your products and services – so we can acquire the clicks most likely to result in leads and sales conversions on your website landing pages
  • Creating shared Dropbox folders for our work files, research documents and the results reports which illustrate which campaigns, targeting methods and ads generated the most sales – giving you 24/7 access to all data
  • Compiling all the relevant questions your team should answer so we can build each campaign in a way that effectively targets your main market demographic and uncovers existing customers’ general browsing habits
  • Requesting access to view your existing Google Ads account (or creating a new one in your existing Google account) and associating it with your Google Analytics – to import your Google Ads data to get a full view of your stats

Set-up – Campaigns and Ad
Groups creation, conversion
tracking setup and configuration

  • Creating new campaigns for each group of products you want to advertise and then creating individual ad groups inside each campaign – so that each target market is exposed to relevant ads on the most suitable sites
  • Configuring each campaign to target your desired countries, cities or postcode regions. Setting each to use Google’s display network targeting methods, such as website placements, remarketing lists and topics of interest
  • Ensuring each campaign’s set of ad groups have a suitable initial default bid and the required bid adjustments for different devices, locations and times of the week – so your image ads are clicked by those most likely to buy
  • Setting up goal conversions in Google Analytics and importing them to your Google Ads account – so we can see which website ad placements other targeting methods generate the most sales for your budget

Targeting – Targeting research,
selecting websites to advertise on
and bid adjustments

  • Gathering initial placement data to provide you with a list of relevant websites, videos and apps in Google’s display network that are able and willing to host your Google Ads image ads – then advising on which to select
  • Setting up remarketing lists that add a cookie to your existing website visitors’ browser which allows us to add them to your “audience” – so we can follow them around the web on the websites they routinely visit
  • Identifying web pages about your target market’s interests, or creating “custom intent” audience lists of your competitor sites to follow their visitors around the web with your targeted, and highly clickable image ads
  • Adjusting initial default bids to ensure they’re not so low that ads aren’t shown and not too high that they cost more than we want to pay per click. Then adjusting bids to suit our target locations and devices

Ad Creation – Image advert
graphic design, ad copywriting
and ad campaign activation


  • Downloading product images, background images and branded logo graphics from your site then photoshopping them so they are the right dimensions for a whole range of different-sized image ads that work in all devices
  • Using the collected images to create visually appealing responsive ads that contain graphics that represent your products and services and your brand logo – then designing ad text colours to match your graphics and brand
  • Incorporating your products’ benefit points and features into ad copy, including marketing psychology copywriting and best practices to catch your market’s attention and encourage them to click your display image ads
  • Ensuring each ad group contains only ads that strongly reflect your target market or audience’s intent and interests – by wording your ad’s titles and descriptions in a way that explains why your offering beats the competition

Optimisation – Initial click data
review, bidding amendments and
ad wording optimisation

  • Studying the first few days and weeks of paid advertising click data, including the image ads that generated most clicks, the average cost of those clicks and the figures relating to which ones generated sales
  • Feeding the intelligence gained from our click data review back into Google Ads by revising our choice of targeting options and which sites our ads are placed on, minimising the possible wastage of budget on off-target audiences
  • Adjusting the amount of money we are happy to pay for clicks on each audience list – for example, ensuring we are not paying for clicks from our own staff or visitors who are unlikely to convert
  • Ensuring each ad group has at least 2 alternate image ads running at the same time – so we can collect the click data to show which “best guess” ad gets the best click-through and conversion rates.

Refinement – Ad split testing,
targeting/bid adjustments and
final rebidding

  • Having optimised the wording of your initial set of ads in each ad group we further refine them by pausing the worst-performing ads and making variations to those best-performers in a series of image ad split-tests
  • We uncover if your cheapest sales conversions come via mobile, tablet or desktop devices – or if they come from particular locations or during office hours or at night-time – then we adjust bids accordingly to maximise your ROI
  • We review every targeting method used to display your ad to your target market on an ongoing basis and identify sites and audiences that rarely convert to a lead or sale, then rebid or pause those ad groups to save money
  • Rather than aiming to have your ad displayed on any site, video or app in the Google Display Network that will host it, we adjust and amend bids to suit the placements that generate the most clicks and sales conversions.

Display advertising campaign

Our display image advertising campaign set-up packages are guaranteed to generate much cheaper clicks than Pay Per Click Search Advertising campaigns. And these clicks will be from highly targeted potential customers which means you can vastly reduce your cost per sale acquisition. If that doesn’t happen you won’t pay us a single penny.

Choose your package:

We offer the following packages. Discounts available for recurring monthly ​projects.

Solo Package
Partner Package
Associate Package

We will discount each package by 15% if client signs up for 3 months

We will discount each package by 20% if client signs up for 6 months

We will discount each package by 25% if client signs up for 12 months

See some results from our campaigns:




Here is a snippet of  some of our marketing videos:

GA Video 1
GA-Video 2
GA Video 4
GA Video 5

This service is for you if:

  • You want to get serious about establishing your video presence
  • You want to add video marketing.
  • You need a little help with making your marketing campaigns come to life with video..

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this take?

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What happens after I pay and Can I get my money back or cancel the services?

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If I have questions about something, can receive support?

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Can I get the services, if I don't have a business already?

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